How to add a user in Google Tag Manager

Here is a quick video that shows how to add a user to your Google Tag Manager account.

1. Sign in to Google Tag Manager.

2. Under the "Accounts" tab click your website container name.

3. Select the "Admin" tab.

4. Select "User Management."

5. To add access permissions, click the blue "+" circle in the top/right and choose "Add users."

6. Enter to the Email addresses field. You will notice that "Administrator" is not checked in the Account permissions section.

7. In the Container permissions section, click "None" to open the permission options menu, make sure "Publish" is checked, then click "Done" to save your selection.

8. Now that container permissions have been changed, select the "Administrator" checkbox in the Account permissions section.

9. Click the blue "Invite" button in the top/right. should now appear in the Account permissions list with a User status of "invitation pending."


How to update user permissions in Google Analytics


How to add a user in Google Analytics